
Vampire the masquerade concept art
Vampire the masquerade concept art

This book pits the players' characters against elders, ancillae and even neonates in a centuries-long bid for power no less grand than one would expect of the Blue bloods. The Ventrue Chronicle focuses on the trials and tribulations of a single clan. From the Dark Ages to the Victorian Age to the modern world, the Ventrue power gambit plays out nightly. You are a vampire, struggling for survival, supremacy, and your own fading humanity - afraid of what you are capable of, and fearful of the inhuman conspiracies that surround you. Yet the Ventrue's powerful façade hides myriad internal struggles, petty rivalries and epoch-spanning vendettas. Vampire: The Masquerade is the original roleplaying game of personal and political horror. The Clan of Rulership The Ventrue – manipulators of mortals and leaders of Kindred.

Vampire the masquerade concept art